Westberg Institute for Faith Community Nursing: Position Statements
The role of the Faith Community Nurse has been evolving. I believe I’ve seen more changes in the last five years than in the previous ten. During the Westberg Symposium in April 2016, we were introduced to the position statements that guide our nursing specialty which were developed by the International Parish Nurse Resource Center (now named Westberg Institute).
A position statement is an explanation, a justification or a recommendation for a course of action that reflects our professional organization’s stance regarding the topic. It’s very important that you understand the Scope and Standards for Faith Community Nursing and become familiar with the position statements.
The two statements that got the most attention relate to documentation and hands on nursing care (glucose testing is within this statement). Please retain a copy of these statements for your future reference. *Courtesy Lois Ustanko, Sanford Health, Director, Faith Community Nursing & Health Ministry
Position Statements: All listed below are in PDF format.
- Position Statement on Wholistic Health
- Position Statement on Home Health Nursing
- Position Statement on Hands On vs Hands Off
- Position Statement on Documentation
- Position Statement on Comparing Other Nursing Specialties
- Position Statement about Faith Community Nursing Certification
- Position Statement on Transitional Care