Ellen Ellickson
My Health Ministry at Peace Lutheran Church
I pray for members and friends who are in need of healing prayers. I keep
office hours on Fridays from 10 a.m to noon. During this time phone calls
and visits are made to members. Members are invited to stop by for health
counseling such as blood pressure checks or medication reviews. I give
prayer shawls to people who are in need of extra prayer and spiritual
support such as those facing surgery or suffering from an acute illness.
A special focus of prayer is for people who have recently received a new diagnosis of a serious illness. I offer prayer and support for our clergy team and administrative support team. I give a onesie to new babies at their baptism that says: I am a Peaceful baby! I write frequent health care articles for the monthly newsletter. I visit members in their homes or hospital or long term care settings. I welcome new members as they join the church and look for ways to connect them with a group or ministry that they would enjoy. I am always available to offer prayer and encouragement for members and friends and to visit those who are sick or in need of a visit. My hours are included in the church calendar and the weekly bulletin.
On a personal note – we live on a hobby farm and rescue animals. I have 20 rescued cats and we foster English Springer Spaniels who are awaiting adoption and are in need of a home. We have four rescued English Springer Spaniels. The picture is of me and Spark, our first rescued Springer. We also have 5 grandchildren who enjoy “Farm Camp” whenever they can.
Ellen Ellickson has served as President and Acting Vice-President of the Central Minnesota Parish Nurse Ministry Committee and is Faith Community Nurse at Peace Lutheran Church in Cold Spring.