Institutional Review Board (IRB)
CentraCare Institutional Review Board Organization
The CentraCare IRB reviews proposed research protocols involving human subjects. Clinical investigations involving therapeutic drugs or medical devices constitute most of the protocols reviewed.
The CentraCare IRB is responsible for the following:
- The review and approval of applications to conduct research involving human subjects
- Continuing review of approved protocols
- Monitoring of reported adverse events involving subjects in approved protocols
- Assuring and facilitating the ethical conduct of biomedical research involving human subjects
IRB Documents for Download (PDFs)
- IRB Standard Operating Procedures
- IRB Research Study Protocol Application
- Institutional Review Board (IRB) Application for Restrospective Chart/Record Review
For any questions related to the IRB or application submissions, please contact CentraCare Research Compliance at 320-251-2700, ext. 52820.