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Practice painless parenting

Published in For the Health of It

CentraCare Clinic – Health Plaza Pediatrics
Medical Director, Central Minnesota Child Advocacy Center

Being a parent is one of the most rewarding experiences, but it also can have its share of frustrating moments, too.

Like all humans, parents aren’t perfect. Your kids will “push your buttons” sometimes. Acknowledging that there will be difficulties, setting boundaries and thinking through possible scenarios and appropriate responses can help you act appropriately in those moments.

Earlier this decade, a children’s hospital in Louisville developed a program with the goal of creating an environment where no type of hitting would be tolerated and tips to de-escalate during high-stress situations. Out of this work came the No Hit Zone program, which today is a national movement that encourages Painless Parenting. It encourages moms and dads to find alternatives from hitting, spanking, yelling or any form of corporal punishment.

no hit chart

The Central Minnesota Child Advocacy Center has some of these No Hit Zone resources available in our office and on our website. These sheets discuss stressful moments throughout a child’s life and appropriate parenting responses. Among their examples include:

To review the full list of No Hit Zone worksheets, download them here:

For additional parenting resources, don’t hesitate to reach out to your child’s pediatrician or his or her office. Your pediatrician can help connect you with additional helpful resources or discuss if there could be underlying medical conditions for their behavior or actions.

If you need help in finding a provider for your child:

Central Minnesota Child Advocacy Center

About the Child Advocacy Center

The Central Minnesota Child Advocacy Center (CAC) services children where there is a concern of child abuse. At the CAC, a team of individuals with backgrounds in child abuse investigations work together to make sure children and their families get access to appropriate medical and mental health services.

In the two years it has opened, the CAC has served over 500 children from Stearns and Benton County.

Learn More About the Child Advocacy Center Now